Graphicast provides essential services and will continue to remain open.


27 March 2020


Pursuant to Emergency Order #17 issued under Section 18 of Executive Order 2020-04, the State of New Hampshire has designated Manufacturing as an industrial sector that provides essential services and support to COVID-19 and the core missions of the State. Manufacturers shall continue to operate with necessary staff to complete critical and essential functions. This information is based on federal guidelines and amended to reflect the interest of New Hampshire’s citizens and economy.

Graphicast is a manufacturing company supplying components to producers of medical equipment and is a key player in the supply chain of these producers. We will continue to operate on our normal work schedule including voluntary overtime for the foreseeable future. We have received letters from our customers indicating the importance of our work for them, and were called “heroes” by one company for our ability to respond within a day to help them meet the demand for their products in the fight against COVID-19.

Graphicast, Inc.

PO Box 430 • 36 Knight Street • Jaffrey, New Hampshire 03452
P: (603) 532-4481 · F: (603) 532-4261